Hadoop Distributed File System: Version 2 – Part I

Image representing Hadoop as depicted in Crunc...

To recap, version 1 of Hadoop is made up of two basic components; the foundation is a fault-resilient distributed file system called the Hadoop Distributed File System (HDFS), upon which a framework for the parallel processing of that distributed data, called MapReduce, is built. In this post we’ll start to look into the components, architecture and key configuration options of version 2 of the Hadoop Distributed File System (HDFS-V2). This will set us up to learn about the makeup and workings of MapReduce version 2 (MRV2) and the new resource management system, YARN (Yet Another Resource Navigator).

The Hadoop development community has rallied and worked diligently to make version 2 of HDFS a much more scalable, efficient and enterprise-friendly storage platform. This has been accomplished by focusing on and addressing the key functionality areas of:

Almost all of the significant changes between HDFS V1 and V2 have to do with the NameNode. With that in mind, this post will take a dive into the functionality of the NameNode and a look into the data on which it operates.

HDFS NameNode Availability

It is no secret that the high availability Achilles heel of HDFS is the single point of failure expressed by the NameNode. If the NameNode goes down, the entire associated Hadoop cluster is rendered unavailable. Further, a worse case is realized with the unrecoverable loss of the NameNode server. This would result in the loss of all of the metadata necessary to rebuild access to the data stored on the cluster resulting in potentially significant data loss. Because of the potential for data loss, a number of mechanisms exist to mitigate this potential.

NameNode MetaData and Operation

Before discussing the mechanisms available enhance the NameNode operation, we need to have an understanding of what it is the NameNode does, how it does it and the data on which it does it’s do.

NameNode Directory Structure

A newly initialized NameNode creates the following directory structure for persistent storage of filesystem state and metadata:

|— current/
   |— edits
   |— fsimage
   |— fstime

Note: $(dfs.name.dir) is a configuration variable used to specify a list of directories to be used for persistent storage. It is typical to configure multiple directories to be used for the persistent storage of the NameNode so that in the case of a hardware failure, a copy of the persistent data is saved and available to be used for recovery. A common configuration is to locate a directory on two independent local disks and one remote directory via a network share (for a total of three copies of the NameNode persistent data).


The VERSION file is a java properties file which contains various information about the version of Hadoop and HDFS being used. Contents of a typical file might look as follows:

# Tue Feb 25 08:35:40 GMT 2014

The namespaceID is a unique identifier for the filesystem. It is created when the filesystem is initialized. The namenode uses this to identify new DataNodes. New DataNodes will not know the namespaceID of the filesystem until they have registered with the NameNode.


The creation time of the NameNode’s storage directory is held in the cTime property. Newly initialized storage always has the value, zero. It is updated to a timestamp whenever the filesystem is upgraded.


This storageType (NAME_NODE) indicates this directory contains data for a NameNode.


The layoutVersion is a negative number that identifies the version of HDFS’s data structures. This version number has no relation to the release number of Hadoop. When file layouts change, the version number is decremented (for example, the version after −22 is −23) and HDFS is required to be upgraded. NameNodes and DataNodes will not operate without there being matching and correct layoutVersion numbers throughout the system.

fsimage and edits Files

The fsimage and edits files are binary files that use Hadoop Writable objects as their serialization format for persistent storage.

As the NameNode processes client requests to create, delete and move directories and files (essentially, write operations) it maintains the state and associated metadata of the directories and files in an in-memory version of the fsimage file (presumably a mnemonic for File System Image). The in-memory version of fsimage is not written to persistent storage when a change is made to it as it has the potential to be very large (hundereds of megabytes to gigabytes) and would take significant time to write.

fsimage Contents

The fsimage file contains a list of all the directory and file inodes in the filesystem. The data maintained for each inode is such information as the file’s replication level, modification and access times, access permissions, block size, and the blocks a file is made up of. For directories, data about modification time, permissions, and quota is stored.

The fsimage file does not record information about the datanodes on which the blocks are stored. Instead, the namenode keeps this mapping in memory only. This information is constructed by asking the datanodes for their block lists when they join the cluster and periodically afterward to ensure the namenode’s block mapping is up-to-date.

edits ContentsHDFS NameNode Persistent Storage

Prior to making any change to the in-memory version of fsimage, a write-forward record of the changes to be made are written to the edits file, essentially as a form of transaction logging. If the NameNode has been configured to maintain multiple persistent store directories, the writes to the edits files must be flushed and synced to all configured copies before returning a notice of success. This is done to ensure that no data is lost due to a machine failure. The configuration option of specifying multiple persistent store directories for the NameNode is one of the mechanisms available to mitigate the potential of data loss due to a catastrophic NameNode failure.

fstime File

The fstime file is also a binary file making use of the Hadoop Writable object for serialization for persistent storage. The primary use of the fstime file is to record the time of the last checkpoint operation of the fsimage and edits files.

NameNode Self-Checkpoint

HDFS NameNode Self-CheckpointIn the most basic of configurations, a checkpoint operation of the fsimage and edits files occurs at NameNode startup as part of its ‘safe mode’ sequence of operations. The NameNode self-checkpoint process is essentially the following sequence of events:

  1. Freeze the file system for any write operations- read-only mode
  2. Load fsimage from persistent storage into memory
  3. Apply Edit Log items to fsimage
  4. Write updated, checkpointed fsimage to persistent storage (and replicate to multiple locations if so configured)
  5. Purge edits file (and replicate to multiple locations if so configured)
  6. Write timestamp of the checkpoint operation to the fstime file

Before the NameNode may exit ‘safe mode’ it must receive information about the DataNode block mapping a from a minimum number of Datanodes.

The downside to this method of operation is the that it can take a significant amount of time to roll the Edit Log forward and checkpoint the fsimage file. Depending on the amount of file system activity and the length of time since the last checkpoint, it is not unheard of for the checkpoint process to take several hours. An obvious way to reduce the amount of time for NameNode checkpoint to run is to execute a checkpoint of the fsimage file on a periodic basis. This is exactly the purpose and operation of the Secondary name node.

Secondary NameNode Checkpointing

As mentioned, the Secondary NameNode facilitates the online checkpointing of the fsimage maintained by the Primary NameNode. It does not act as a second or a backup NameNode despite its name. Periodically (the default is once per hour, or whenever the size of the edits file exceeds 64MB), the Secondary NameNode will send a message to the Primary NameNode to initiate a checkpoint. This in turn sets off the following sequence of events:

  1. Primary NameNode: Freeze writing to the current Edit Log
  2. Primary NameNode: Initialize a new Edit Log
  3. Secondary NameNode: HTTP GET Frozen Edit Log
  4. Secondary NameNode: HTTP GET fsimage
  5. Secondary NameNode: Load fsimage into memory
  6. Secondary NameNode: Apply Edit Log items to fsimage
  7. Secondary NameNode: Write fsimage to local persistent storage
  8. Secondary NameNode: HTTP PUT checkpointed fsimage file
  9. Primary NameNode: Roll Edit Log forward
  10. Primary NameNode: Roll checkpointed fsimage file forward
  11. Primary NameNode: Write checkpoint timestamp to fstime file

A diagram of this sequence of events is as follows:
HDFS Secondary NameNode Checkpoint Flow
In Part 2 of this article, I’ll take a look into the following:

  • High Availability for the HDFS NameNode
  • By using Quorum Journal Manager (QJM)
  • By using Network File System (NFS)
  • Namespace Federation for Performance and Scaling
  • HDFS Snapshots to support Backup and Recoverability
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Creative Commons License
Hadoop Distributed File System: Version 2 – Part I by Mike Pluta is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International License.

Hadoop V1 Architecture Overview


As we’ve covered in previous articles, Hadoop is an open source software development project. It is a project hosted by the Apache Software Foundation. Hadoop is software focused on reliable, scalable, distributed computing.

Hadoop Architecture Description

The most simple description of the Hadoop Architecture is:

Hadoop is a parallel processing system implemented as a MapReduce engine layered on top of a fault-resilient distributed file system.

Distributed File System

As we’ve discussed, the underpinning of Hadoop (or any MapReduce system) is a distributed file system. The basic functionality of the Hadoop Distributed File System (HDFS) is explained as follows:

  • Large files are split into blocks of equal size
  • These blocks are distributed across the cluster for storage
  • Because node failure is a reality to be considered in a larger cluster, each block is stored multiple times (typically three times) on different computers


When the cluster is started, one node is assigned to run the NameNode process. The NameNode is the centerpiece of HDFS. It maintains the directory of all files in the file system, and tracks where in the cluster file data is kept. It does not read or write the data of any of the files itself.

Client applications communicate with the NameNode when they wish to locate, add, copy, move or delete a file. A successful response from the NameNode consists of a list of relevant DataNode servers on which, the data being requested, is stored (or is to be stored).

The NameNode is a single point of failure (SPOF) for a Hadoop system. If the NameNode is not available, no data stored on the underlying HDFS may be read or written. Further, should the metadata maintained by the NameNode be lost or corrupted, it is likely that the data stored in the underlying HDFS will also be lost and / or corrupted. It is for these reasons that there exists a BackupNameNode process as part of an optional high availability option.


When the Hadoop cluster is started, along with the NameNode process being started on one node, each node on which data is to be stored starts a DataNode process as a subordinate to the NameNode. The DataNode is responsible for reading and writing data blocks to and from the underlying HDFS as directed by the NameNode process and client applications. Client applications can, and often do, communicate directly with a DataNode. Once a client application has received from the NameNode a list of relevant DataNode servers, it is more efficient for the client application to communicate directly with the DataNode.

An Additional NameNode Note

While it is not uncommon that on smaller clusters, the server running the NameNode process is also configured to run a DataNode task, this should not be done in a production environment. Because it is a single point of failure, for a production cluster, it is essential that the server running the NameNode task be particularly looked after1.

HDFS Component Process Flow
HDFS Component Process Flow

MapReduce Engine

The MapReduce Engine is the raison d’être for the Hadoop Distributed File System. A principal tenet of MapReduce is ‘data locality’. ‘Data Locality’ is based on the assumption that is it less expensive to move processing to the data on which it is to act than it is to move data across a network to where processing resources are available. What this means is that, if at all possible, data is left in place and the processing that is to act on that data is brought to it. By having the HDFS split data which is stored on it into blocks and providing a mechanism to locate on which server in the cluster any given block is stored, the MapReduce engine is able to implement a mechanism to launch a process to act upon an arbitrary data blocks. Only if the underlying server, on which a data block needed for processing is stored, is unavailable for processing, is the movement of data considered2.

The implementation of MapReduce is an alternating application of Map and then Reduce functions against blocks of data. The complexities and difficulties of parallel execution of these functions is managed and hidden from the user automatically by the framework. A MapReduce iteration is comprised of three base phases: Map, Shuffle, and Reduce. The Shuffle phase is introduced and managed internally by the framework3.

Wikipedia explains the workflow of MapReduce as follows:

Another way to look at MapReduce is as a 5-step parallel and distributed computation:

  1. Prepare the Map() input – the “MapReduce system” designates Map processors, assigns the K1 input key value each processor would work on, and provides that processor with all the input data associated with that key value.
  2. Run the user-provided Map() code – Map() is run exactly once for each K1 key value, generating output organized by key values K2.
  3. “Shuffle” the Map output to the Reduce processors – the MapReduce system designates Reduce processors, assigns the K2 key value each processor would work on, and provides that processor with all the Map-generated data associated with that key value.
  4. Run the user-provided Reduce() code – Reduce() is run exactly once for each K2 key value produced by the Map step.
  5. Produce the final output – the MapReduce system collects all the Reduce output, and sorts it by K2 to produce the final outcome.

Logically these 5 steps can be thought of as running in sequence – each step starts only after the previous step is completed – though in practice, of course, they can be intertwined, as long as the final result is not affected.

In many situations the input data might already be distributed (“sharded”) among many different servers, in which case step 1 could sometimes be greatly simplified by assigning Map servers that would process the locally present input data. Similarly, step 3 could sometimes be sped up by assigning Reduce processors that are as much as possible local to the Map-generated data they need to process.4

In the Hadoop implementation of MapReduce, the coordination and management of a MapReduce job is handled by a JobTracker task and a suite of TaskTracker tasks.

MapReduce JobTracker - TaskTracker Interaction
MapReduce JobTracker – TaskTracker Interaction


The JobTracker is the interface between a client application and the Hadoop framework.

Once code is submitted to the Hadoop cluster, the JobTracker formulates and follows an execution plan by taking the following steps:

  • Determining where the data blocks of the input files reside
  • Assigning to nodes the different tasks to be executed as part of the MapReduce workflow and passing these instructions to a TaskTracker for execution (simplistically: Map, then shuffle, then reduce)
  • Monitoring all tasks as they are running by way of received heartbeats

If a task fails, the JobTracker will automatically relaunch the task, on a different node if necessary, up to a predefined limit of retries.

There is only one JobTracker task per Hadoop cluster. It is typically run on a server as a master node of the cluster. On smaller clusters (40 nodes or less), it is not uncommon for the JobTracker and the NameNode to coexist on the same server.

NameNode Re-Revisited

As mentioned previously, while it may not be uncommon to co-locate additional tasks on the server running the NameNode process, particularly on smaller clusters, this is a practice that is potentially fraught with peril due to the NameNode being an SPOF for the cluster. In a production environment the NameNode server should be considered fragile and cared for accordingly.


When the Hadoop cluster is started, along with the DataNode processes, a TaskTracker process is stared on each node of the cluster on which data is to be stored. The relationship between the TaskTracker and DataNode should be clearly seen and understood at this point; vis-a-vis the relationship, the DataNode process is responsible for reading data from an underlying HDFS and passing that data to a process designated by the co-existing TaskTracker5.

The TaskTracker gets its execution orders from the JobTracker. When a TaskTracker is started, it is configured with a set of execution slots. These indicate the number of simultaneous tasks the TaskTracker may accept. When the JobTracker is looking for the location of a data block against which processing is to be directed, the availability of a free execution slot is taken into consideration.

The TaskTracker is also responsible for communicating job execution status (both success and failure) back to the JobTracker along with housekeeping messages such as the number of available execution slots and periodic heartbeat messages to assure the JobTracker that the TaskTracker is alive and running. It is through this heartbeat that the JobTracker is able to identify TaskTracker nodes which have failed and reschedule execution on one of the other nodes containing a copy of that data.

When a client MapReduce program is submitted, the following sequence of events takes place:

  • JobTracker is passed parameters of the client job
  • JobTracker communicates with NameNode to get a list of nodes containing both:
    • Data blocks of the input to the MapReduce job
    • Available execution slots
  • For each node returned by the NameNode:
    • JobTracker formulates an execution plan for the MapReduce job
    • JobTracker communicates with the specified TaskTracker, passing to it steps to execute
      • Prepare and Read Input
      • Map Phase
      • Sort and Shuffle Phase
      • Reduce phase
      • Write Output
Hadoop MapReduce Sequence Diagram
Hadoop MapReduce Sequence Diagram

Map Phase

As seen above, the TaskTracker gets its marching orders from the JobTracker. The first order of business the TaskTracker will handle is to communicate with the local DataNode to start reading the data block being requested and breaking the data being read into key-value pairs that will be fed is a sequential stream to the Map process6. The map function is called individually for each of these key-value pairs and in turn creates as output an arbitrarily large list of new key-value pairs from it.

Shuffle Phase

The shuffle phase begins by sorting the key-value pairs resulting from the map phase their keys. If intermediate storage is needed for these results, disk on the node local to the sort is used; intermediate data is not written to the distributed file system. After the sort, MapReduce assigns key-value pairs to a reducer according to their keys. The framework makes sure all pairs with the same key are assigned to the same reducer7. Because the output from the map phase can be distributed arbitrarily across the cluster, the output from the map phase needs to be transferred across the network to the correct producers in the shuffle phase. Because of this, it is normal for large volumes of data to cross the network in this step.

Reduce Phase

The reducer finally collates all the pairs with the same key and creates a sorted list from the values. The key and the sorted list of values provides the input for the reduce function.

The reduce function typically compresses the list of values to create a shorter list – for example, by aggregating the values. Commonly, it returns a single value as its output. Generally speaking, the reduce function creates an arbitrarily large list of key-value pairs, just like the map function.

The output from the reduce phase can, if needed, be used as the input for another map–reduce iteration.

MapReduce Data and Process Flow of Word Count
MapReduce Data and Process Flow of Word Count

This article gives a fair overview of v1 Hadoop. In the articles to follow, I’ll go over what has changed in HDFS v2, discuss the architecture of YARN (the new resource management layer in Hadoop v2) and what changes have been made to MapReduce. I’ll also dip into what, in addition to MapReduce, can be and is now plugged into the YARN framework.

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Creative Commons License
Hadoop V1 Architecture Review by Mike Pluta is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International License.


  1. There are a number of best practices and considerations for configuration of the the NameNode task and server upon which it is run. These are outside of the scope of this article. 
  2. Given the default of each data block being replicated 3 times within a cluster, all 3 of those servers would have to be simultaneously occupied before data movement across the network is considered. 
  3. A default sort and shuffle class is provided and executed automatically by the framework. It can be overridden if necessary or desired. There are also a number of other default classes which are provided and automatically executed by the framework; classes to manage the input format of data, output format of data, intermediate form of data, etc. These are outside the scope of this article. 
  4. Wikipedia MapReduce Overview 
  5. Not to beat a dead horse, but I hope that at this point it is clear that a risk is being taken is the NameNode is co-mingled with other HDFS or MapReduce processes in a production environment. 
  6. There is a mechanism to apply custom processing to the input data (for binary data, etc). This is beyond the scope of this article. 
  7. This is done typically by the application of a hashing function based on the key and the number of reducers being instansiated on the cluster. 

A Quick History of Hadoop

Level Set and Perspective

Bubble LevelBefore I take us down the technical path, I thought it would make sense to level set ourselves with a check on the history of Hadoop. I believe you will see that knowing a bit of the background history of Hadoop gives perspective to the why of things. It also offers a glimpse into the evolution of many project aspects.

Developed by Doug Cutting / Yahoo!

Apache Nutch LogoIn 2002, Doug Cutting, the acknowledged progenitor of the project / product called Hadoop1, began work on a project called Nutch. The goal of Nutch was to create an index of the Internet.2 In 2006, Yahoo! hired Doug Cutting to lead development of what has become Hadoop.3

Google Concepts and Documents

While original implementations of Nutch showed promise, it was nowhere near web scale. Running on 4 nodes and indexing 100M web pages was operationally onerous. In 2003, Google published papers on a distributed file system called the Google File System (GFS) and a parallel processing model called MapReduce. Cutting recognized GFS and MapReduce’s applicability to the scale issues of Nutch.

Google Use Case

The desire to index the Internet and facilitate it’s rapid search was the basis of the use case presented by Google. It has the added trifecta of an understood and predetermined input data set, output data set and query set.

The input data set, as defined by the Google use case, is the huge and unstructured data set that is all Internet web pages. The queries to be issued would be sets of keywords; any matched keywords would return a ranked set of associated web pages.  The obvious output data set is an index made up of keywords providing the correlation between keyword and web page.

Google Concept

Google GFS MapReduceThe concept presented by Google to address this use case is, as earlier disclosed, a distributed file system geared to the storage and streaming retrieval of very large unstructured data sets (such as the input data set of all Internet web pages).

Layered on top of this distributed file system is a parallel processing engine implemented with a programming paradigm called MapReduce.4 Among the key concepts behind MapReduce are that the it is far less expensive to move processing power to the data upon which it is to act than move the data to the processing; thus, data is processed where it is stored vs. being moved across a network. Additionally, because of the distributed nature of the file system and the parallel nature of the processing system, the concept called for a scale-out architecture. A scale-out architecture is one which allows servers to be added as processing power needs increase and allows for servers to be added as space needs increased.

Yahoo! Use Case and Implementation

As serendipity would have it, Yahoo! had a use case with parallel motivations to Google. Not just motivation, but also the trifecta of an understood and predetermined input data set, output data set and query set is shared by Yahoo! and Google. Imagine Yahoo! having a desire to index the internet so that pages can be found quickly by keyword- it boggles the mind 😉

Yahoo! HadoopAs mentioned earlier, Cutting recognized the applicability of GFS and MapReduce to a number of challenges being faced by Nutch and it’s development team. A refactoring of Nutch to use the concepts presented by Google vis-a-vis GFS and MapReduce took around two weeks time.  The result was greater operational stability, a significantly more simple programming model and greater performance. While this two week effort did not result in rainbows and unicorns, it did present Cutting with a new and better architectural direction. This is what has now become known as Hadoop.

The Hadoop project was eventually spun out of Yahoo! and today stands as a top level Apache Software Foundation 5 project.


In the next post, I’ll take us through the overall architecture of Hadoop v1 (spoiler alert! Hadoop is up to v2) and dive into v1 of the Hadoop File System.


Big Data Technologies

Now that we have selected a working definition of Big Data we can look at the technologies that have emerged and are emerging to take advantage of this new challenge. To review, our definition of “Big Data” is:

Big Data is that data, which because of its complexity, or its size, or the speed it is being generated exceeds the capability of current conventional methods and systems to extract practical use and value.

There have emerged three technologies or technology groups targeting the management and processing of “Big Data”:

  • HadoopApache Hadoop ElephantHadoop is an open source framework for the storage and processing of massive amounts of data. Originally developed at Yahoo!, Hadoop is based on work published by Google and fundamentally relies on a distributed, redundant (for fault tolerance) file system (the Hadoop Distributed File System, or HDFS) and a mechanism for processing the distributed data in parallel called MapReduce.
  • NoSQL
    Intro to NoSQL and Cassandra, Ran TavoriNoSQL refers to a group of data management technologies geared toward the management of large data sets in the context of discrete transactions or individual records as opposed to the batch orientation of Hadoop. A common theme of NoSQL technologies is to trade ACID (atomicity, consistency, isolation, durability) compliance for performance. This model of consistency been called ‘eventually consistent’1.NoSQL databases are often broken into categories based on their underlying data model. The most commonly referenced categories and representative examples are as follows:

    • Key-Value Pair Databases
      • E.g. Dynamo, Riak, Redis, MemcacheDB, Project Voldemort
    • Document Databases
    • Graph Databases
      • E.g. Neo4J, Allegro, Virtuoso
    • Columnar Databases
      • E.g. HBase, Accumulo, Cassandra, SAP Sybase IQ
  • Massively Parallel Analytic DatabasesSystem diagram of the Goodyear Aerospace Massi...As the name Implies, massively parallel analytic databases employ massive parallel processing, or MPP, to allow for the ingest, processing and querying of data (typically structured) across multiple machines simultaneously. This architecture makes for significantly faster performance than a traditional database that runs on a single, large box.

    It is common for Massively Parallel Analytic Databases to employ a shared-nothing architecture. This ensures there is no single point of failure. Each node operates independently of the others so if one machine fails, the others keep running. Additionally, it is not uncommon for the nodes to be made up of commodity, off-the-shelf, hardware so they can be scaled-out in a cost effective (relatively) manner.

In the coming articles, I’ll address in detail each of these technologies. In the next article, I’ll dive into and explore Hadoop; first focusing on the Hadoop Distributed File System and then diving into the MapReduce paradigm.

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Hadoop 2.0 | SmartData Collective

See on Scoop.itEvidence Based Systems

I asked my friend Scott Kahler about Hadoop 2.0 and he was nothing short of effusive. “Yes, it’s huge deal. YARN will make Hadoop a distributed app platform and not just a Big-Data processing engine,” Kahler told me.

mike pluta‘s insight:

The big deal doesn’t stop with the transition to YARN.  There are a number of other changes to core Hadoop that have been made, are being made and will be made along with changes to the varied and sundry ‘other’ members of the ecosystem– and then there are the additions– the new members of the ecosystem to consider.


A big deal?  Yes… A huge deal?  Most definately… I would probably go so far as to say it’s GINORMOUS… but that’s me….

See on smartdatacollective.com

Download the New Impala e-Book from O’Reilly Media

Image representing Cloudera as depicted in Cru...

the tarsier featured on the cover of Learning ...

O’Reilly Media and Cloudera have produced a 30(ish) page e-book on the internals and architecture of Cloudera’s Impala Implementation. The author, John Russell of Cloudera, promises that the content is accessible to those without wizard-like Hadoop, Java or Hive skills, but rather, “a little SQL and UNIX experience is all you really need”.

The e-book can be downloaded from Cloudera.com right now (registration required).

Hadoop and S3: 6 Tips for Top Performance



Netflix kicked off the first session at this summer’s Hadoop Summit, telling the crowd about their Hadoop stack that powers its world-renowned data science practice. The punchline: they run everything on the Amazon Web Services cloud—Amazon S3, Elastic MapReduce (EMR), and their platform-as-a-service, Genie.

Putting S3 at the base of your Hadoop strategy, as Netflix and Mortar have, catapults you past many of the Hadoop headaches others will face.  No running out of storage unexpectedly: you get (essentially) infinite, low cost storage from S3, with frequent price cuts. No need to worry about your data: Amazon estimates they might lose one of your objects every 10 million years or so.  And best of all, no waiting in line behind other people’s slow jobs: spin up your own personal cluster whenever you want and point it at the same underlying S3 files.

A lot of these benefits come directly from S3.  It’s a pretty magical technology, and we use it extensively at Mortar.  There are some tricks we’ve learned to get the best performance out it in conjunction with Hadoop. I’m going to share those with you now; some can improve your performance 10X or more.

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